The time has come, where the days of second trimester have come to an end. Upon just beginning my third and final trimester, I am reflecting back on the past weeks and how much has changed.
Although the end being very different from the beginning of the second trimester, the most noticeable changes have happened to me in the last few weeks.. probably starting around week 24. My belly is definitely at the top of my list of biggest changes. A few weeks ago I noticed my skin starting to feel tighter day by day, and seeing my baby girl move around through my skin became very easy. Every kick and punch, toss and turn can now be seen right through my shirt if it happens to be a tight one. This absolutely melts my heart and brings me so much joy; knowing my daughter is moving around and having fun with me as I gently poke around is a sensation I know I will miss about being pregnant once she is born. 

Unfortunately with this extreme joy of my growing baby comes a few minor uncomfortable feelings.. getting out of seating position is becoming quite difficult, especially if I have just eaten. Going to the washroom has become tricky as well, as I will not need to go at all then be bombarded with the dancing urge to run to the toilet for fear of peeing my pants. My tip is don't drink too much water at once if you're about to get into a car. Moving around at night is probably my biggest challenge so far. Starting out laying on my right side and turning on my back to get to my left side (and vice versa) is quite uncomfortable. There is a dull ache in my lower belly that becomes more prominent as I try to maneuver around the bed at night. My suggestion is pillows. Lots of pillows. I sleep with a big pregnancy pillow and two regular ones, and although they help so much, I'm pretty sure I could make use of one or two more. 

Other than those physical changes, I would just say my cellulite is having a party all over my arms and legs (pregnancy will do that to you), and my tatas are wonderfully large these days. Remembering to constantly moisturize them is key at this point as it is very easy to develop stretch marks any day. My battle against them continues. 

As for my emotions, I would say I am generally a very happy pregnant woman. I might be a little stressed and frantic sometimes, but overall... jolly. I thought I had bypassed the "crying pregnant lady" stereotype, but obviously spoke too soon, as the last few weeks have proven to be very difficult in the don't-cry-over-everything section of my life. Don't get me wrong, I can keep my wits together during a sad movie or clip. I can make it through wedding speeches without completely coming apart, and most things will roll off my shoulder. Sometimes I can even handle things that people expect me to get upset about, with a smile on my face and not even know why it doesn't bother me. But certain situations, mostly regarding my significant other, have a funny way of giving me emotions that run deep. I have heard when you're pregnant you pretty much hate your partner most of the time, and although I don't feel that way, it is very easy for me to get wildly upset with him. It has only happened a handful of times, but when it does I am the saddest panda there ever was. I get quiet and want to cry my eyes out for hours on end. The world is over. And as much as I logically know it isn't, I can't help myself from being overly upset during that time. Having someone who knows how to apologize, or make me feel better even when we both might know I am overreacting is probably one of the most comforting feelings. I can not control my urges to cry and instead of getting frustrated with me, he does everything he can to cheer me up. This quality is key in helping me through my crying fits and its something I both appreciate and cherish immensely. 

Other things that can send me into a crying frenzy are: being hungry, not being able to find something, messy rooms, and the overwhelming fear that there is too much to do with too little time before this baby girl gets here. As ridiculous as these things may seem to other, non-child bearing people, most pregnant women can attest to having the same hopeless waterworks over [sometimes] really nothing at all. 

As scary as that might sound to some people, it really isn't all that bad. Not for the amount of joy you feel every second of every day and night knowing that you are housing the most precious gift that will ever be given to you. The body goes through so many changes, so much stress and everything from your insides to your outsides is altered that no woman should ever feel like she is a burden for occasionally feeling upset or overwhelmed. It is natural and expected. Don't ever put yourself down and definitely don't ever let anyone else make you feel bad. You are literally creating a human from almost nothing, you are helping to continue on the human race and carry down biological history. What is happening is nothing short of magical. Don't ever forget that and remember to give yourself credit. Let it be through some ice cream or a massage, or crying your heart out simply because you want to. You do it if it makes you happy.

On the home front, I believe I am currently "nesting". This is a term for expectant mothers who have an intense need to get their homes ready for their soon-to-come child. This might be cleaning, organizing, fixing things, changing things around, buying new stuff for the home... you name it. I think I am becoming the nesting master. I have so many plans and changes to get through in the next 3 months with my living space that I really don't know how I am going to do it all... especially since I walk like a penguin and can't really lift much. Thank goodness for younger brothers, dads, and significant others. 

I will be posting some before and afters on the blog so you can see my nesting superpowers in action. Unfortunately I have already done a tremendous amount with no documentation due to the fact that it's always a spur of the moment event... I start off moving a cup into the sink and end up rearranging every cupboard in my house. What's a girl to do?

Wish me luck in my final trimester, and I will try to document everything along the way, as some of my favourite blogs have helped me this far and I can only hope to do the same for others. 


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