Happy weekend everyone! 

So I have been stewing for a while about if I should share my pregnancy story with everyone. Reason being, is I feel like the majority of women who are pregnant for the first time should be reassured that everything is going to be okay, especially with how many scary things there are to read on the internet. Sadly, (only for me but still) so so sadly, my pregnancy has not been an easy one. I know there are women who have had it so much harder than me, and I know of lots of lucky ladies who have had worse hangovers than their pregnancies were. So with this in mind, I decided to share my [slightly horrific but hopeful] story with all you lovelies.


My name is Teresa, I am currently pregnant with my first child along with my boyfriend Chad. Being in my mid 20's, and not entirely planning out this pregnancy, I am learning so many new things every day as I go along. I have always enjoyed writing and I feel like there could be so many other ladies in my position, so I decided to share everything I learn =)

I am that girl that wasn't planning on having a baby any time soon, I worked in the restaurant industry with many of my friends, health and fitness played a major role in my life, and I was a freelance makeup artist. Organization is key in my life, as is cleanliness (I hear I'm in for a treat!) and I hope I can maintain some of this throughout my new life!

Pregnancy up until now (I am 20 weeks) has been a bit of a rough time. Everything from hospital visits, to hospital stays aborad, to horrible morning sickness and many other wonders all took place up until about 2 weeks ago. Luckily, I am past all that now and I can actually enjoy some of my pregnancy! Wish me luck on the rest of my journey.. I might need it!